Monthly Archives: May 2014

The Great HWT Escape

3395556182_c67ceef1b4_zDuring the Vril refugee landing in October of 1938, Gover’s Mill was forced to hide a band of aliens and alien equipment that forever changed New Jersey. If not for a an unfortunate incident in which a plucky radio operator named Willy Ley stumbled upon a hidden Vril signal, the Vril would never had been discovered.
One of the most tragic sagas found in the fabled Chronicles of HWT describes the perils of the Vril. As the story goes, the Vril were hunted for their ability to control various energies, which made them extremely powerful. However, this race was deeply philosophical and had devoted so much to academic pursuits that the race was burgeoning on total genetic change to the mind, such as telekinesis and telepathy.  The rumors of their powers produced great envy and fear with many who forced them to abandon their home world and take refuge wherever they could find it.

Orson-Welles-Show-1941Some made it to Earth in 1938 with the help of a variety of HWT agents including Orson Welles and the infamous War of the Worlds broadcast diversion. Simply, the broadcast served as reasonable “lightning rod” for all things associated with the Vril landing in New Jersey. After all, who would be capable of separating the reports of an alien invasion from the purported alien invasion?

Willy Ley, who lived near Grover’s Mill in East Windsor Township (nea
r Hightstown), had always loved space and often looked at the stars for clues of life beyond Earth. In early 1946, Ley had been trying to find ways to improve his radio’s signal quality and strength when he decided to try different antennae and broadcast combinations. What Ley did not realize is that several of his attempts had crossed into frequencies and geography that the military had been watching since the War of the Worlds debacle. Simply, some military personnel refused to believe that it was a hoax or a mistake; they suspected it was real!

As Willy Ley continued to modify his radio equipment, he attempted to remove what he thought was unwanted “clutter” from the electrical signal travelling through his radio. this signal, which he believed to be background static, was actually and alien radio signal that the Vril used to communicate with other Vril.

The Vril, who fled to Grover’s Mill under the diversionary cloak of Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast, never intended to stay in New Jersey. Actually, the landing happened long enough for underground transmitters to be placed near critical electrical components, such as power grids. These devices would emit Vril signals embedded in each different system’s transmissions so that only Vril would find them. In a way, the Vril landing was a message hidden in a lie and presented to the public as a hoax that turned out to be true… sort of…

The Vril immediately left Earth and settled elsewhere in our solar system. The signals left behind in New Jersey’s electrical equipment directed Vril to their settlement on Jupiter like clues in a scavenger hunt. Willy Ley had discovered the signal and attempted to remove it by varying almost every component in his radio. Unfortunately, in 1946, Willy Ley’s efforts resulted in an accidental series of pulses that amplified the New Jersey based signal enough for the signal to reach the moon and return the signal back to Camp Evans, New Jersey.

1024px-Moon_nearside_LROOnce the signal bounced back from the moon, the army scientists at Camp Evans assumed that signal, which did in fact contain alien code, was transmitted by aliens approaching Earth for an invasion. However, the signal which included both an alien code and Willy Ley’s message initiated a sequence of events that forever changed Earth and the Vril’s presence in our solar system.

Upon receipt of Ley’s signal, the Vril’s device on the moon ceased communication with the Vril orbiting Jupiter. Also, after a short delay, the device powered down to prevent detection. Without the Vril’s moon device, the signals originating from Earth bounced back to New Jersey with the same termination signal and deactivated all the Vril devices buried across the state.

monolithWilly Ley, who had been working diligently to eliminate a foreign signal from his radio broadcasts had succeeded in his efforts by triggering a communications detection network that ranged from New Jersey to the moon to Jupiter, which shutdown the Vril communication devices producing the foreign signal.

At the same time Ley removed the signal, he managed to place the U.S. Army scientists on alert fearing an invasion from an approaching alien force. Those same scientists had been looking for the very devices Ley rendered inoperative. In fact, those scientists were located in New Jersey to study the signal, the Vril signal, that started on the same night as the Welles’ broadcast.

The military could not admit defeat in its quest to find the source of the mysterious Vril signal that had become quiet. In an effort to maintain appearances, the scientists used the last fragments of data to trace the signal back to its origin, Willy Ley. Once they realized that he was human they focused on his equipment and technique to “remove” the signal. As they probed deeper, they realized that Ley’s process had created a system capable of emitting a radar signal to the moon and back. In a freak bit of luck, the scientists guessed that Ley was targeting the moon because he was attempting to communicate with them using a high powered radio signal. While wrong, it did give them a big enough reason to continue research and confiscate Ley’s equipment.

To continue researching the Vril and the Vril signal, Camp Evans established Project Diana (goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the moon). This project would be the stepping stone necessary for the government’s motivation to attempt a trip to the moon and embark on the space missions in which mankind would discover the Vril communication device that Willy Ley switched off with his modified radio.

NASA_logoHWT historians often point out that one of the scientists who worked on the original signal detection team in the 40’s, Project Diana until the 50’s, and the foundation work that led to NASA and the moon landings was the next door neighbor and drinking buddy of Arthur C. Clarke. Their relationship, which many believe to be apocryphal, is what some speculate as the true origin to the short story called, “The Sentinel,” was published in 1948 and featured an object that was discovered on the moon and was left behind by ancient aliens. Later, Clarke would continue the stories of “The Sentinel” with Stanley Kubrik in 2001, A Space Oddessy and other books and movies that involve significant similarities with alien artifacts, Jupiter, and the Vril’s escape to another plane of existence.

Project Diana is often credited as the birth of the American space program, radar astronomy, and the precedent for naming missions, projects, and spacecraft after Roman gods.

Codename Deluge was the HWT operation in which Orson Welles and other HWT agents masked the arrival of Vril to Earth by broadcasting War of Worlds in a manner that convinced many public and military to believe that Earth was being invaded by an alien race. This also obfuscated the insertion of radio signals into all electronics equipment in New Jersey. The resulting public outrage and government curiosity into mysterious signals led to increased powers for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to change regulations for all broadcasts and signals of certain strengths, over certain distances, and containing certain messages.


On a related note, these projects also involved the horn antenna at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey (Also in Monmouth county). This equipment was used by Project Echo and would lead to the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) that is one of the most significant discoveries in cosmology as it provides evidence of the big bang. While the “Echo” sought by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson was that of the Willy Ley’s Vril broadcast from 1946, the technology and discoveries are not credited with solidifying cosmology into a science of direct observation instead of a field replete with speculation.

Oh, the Vril escaped using their knowledge of HWT when their moon device signaled that the moon was being approached by an alien force likely to invade and discover their technology. Of course, the moon device was contacted by Ley’s overpowered broadcast that bounced radar waves off the moon and back to Earth and would lead to the development of the space age.

293px-Sputnik_asmNOTE: The Russians also intercepted the Ley’s reflected radar waves and began a program similar to Project Echo that lead to Sputnik and the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

NOTE: Orson Welles performed the War of the Worlds form the Mercury Theatre on the Air. Mercury was the Roman god of messages and the son of Jupiter.

NOTE: Diana was the goddess of the hunt and the moon. Also, she is the daughter of Jupiter. Like the Vril, she had a reputation for tremendous mental abilities and was believed to be able to communicate with and control animals.